So finally here, something.
Spring break is here, the kids will be home and driving me bonkers! I have a feeling that i will be doing some homemade arts and crafts.:)
I am trying to get back in touch with my creative side and start working on my photo editing and my my picture taking. I will grab my Sony a300 and start taking pics and editing them and posting them.:)
I am in the search for a new job. I really need to find something but it's so hard, because the only thing that i "know" how to do is a preschool teacher, but i would love to try something else..:) but nowhere will hire you when you don't have experience.
I am computer savvy, I can type pretty fast (close to 50wpm). Bilingual, friendly, resourceful and very smart...c'mon that should qualify me something ...right?? haha.